HOLA!!! We are the HOLA STEM Lab, and we aim to recognize and promote positive experiences, practices, and opportunities for Latine families to advance the development of their children’s early STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills.
Latine families bring immense linguistic and cultural assets to schools and communities. This group is the fastest-growing population in the US (one in four children in the U.S. are Latine).
We strive to value and leverage Latine families’ knowledge, experiences, and practices in STEM with an asset-oriented vision. Latine families, however, are not a monolithic group, and the ways in which caregivers engage with their children in STEM may vary due to essential factors, such as, for example, who is in the home and caregivers' generational status in the U.S. That is why we also examine within-group variation in Latine families' engagement.