Language Policy, language educator preparation, education foundations, bilingual education

Dr. Sarah C. K. Moore is Assistant Clinical Professor of Applied Linguistics and Language Education in the Division of Language, Literacy and Social Inquiry, Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership. Her research and scholarship primarily concern Language Policy and Planning (LPP) and promotion of language rights through equity in education and expansion of dual language bilingual education in the U.S. She has developed broad background and knowledge in studying historical and contemporary foundations related to education, educator preparation, and systems of schooling. She is undergraduate advisor for the Minor in Education Policy, Equity, and Justice, which is co-offered by TLPL and the School of Public Policy. 


Dr. Moore also researches and conducts preparation and professional development for educators with limited prior exposure to supporting the needs of multilingual students. As Director of PreK-12 English Learner Education at the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL), where she worked from 2007-2018, Dr. Moore supervised myriad internally and externally-funded teams and projects, including several Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation grants and a large-scale Investing in Innovation (i3) grant from the Office of Innovation and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, which together comprised CAL's Education Connections initiative. 


Dr. Moore is Lead Co-Convenor of the Language Policy Research Network (LPReN), an international network of scholars in LPP affiliated with Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée or International Association of Applied Linguistics. Her PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, with emphasis on Language Policy and Master’s of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction, are from Arizona State University and Bachelor of Arts in History and Secondary Education, with Spanish Minor, is from Guilford College. 


Moore, S. C. K. (2021). A history of bilingual education: Examining the politics of language policymaking. Multilingual Matters.

Moore, S. C. K. (Ed.). (2014). Arizona case studies: English-only implementation. Multilingual Matters.

Wiley, T. G., Peyton, J. K., Christian, D., Moore, S. C. K., & Liu, N. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of heritage and community languages in the United States: Research, educational practice, and policy. Routledge.


Selected Publications

Hakuta, K., & Moore, S.C.K. (2024). Reflections on Lau: A historical perspective. Language Policy, 23, 347–363.

Moore, S. C. K. (2025). Historical and contemporary language policymaking: The politics of English-only and persistence of bilingual education. In K. Rolstad, W. Wright,  J. MacSwan, & N. Liu (Eds.). Social justice: A festschrift in honor of Terrence G. Wiley. Multilingual Matters. 

Moore, S. C. K., Chi, J., & Mahalingappa, L. (2024). Bilingual-Bicultural Education: Opportunity obscured. [Special Issue]. Bilingual Research Journal, 1–25.

Moore, S. C. K., & Chi, J.  (2024). Bilingual education rejected: English-only despite Lau. Language Policy [Special Issue]. 

Moore, S. C. K. (2023). Historical perspectives of the roots of activism of DLBE. In J. Freire, C. Alfaro, & E. de Jong (Eds.), Handbook of Dual Language Bilingual Education. Routledge

Moore, S. C. K. (2023). Plurilingualism. In Z. Tajj and C. Griffiths (Eds.), Language Education Programs: Policies and Practices. Springer Series: Language Policy.

Moore, S. C. K., Massoud, L. A., & Duggan, J. (2018). Language and instruction: Research-based lesson planning and delivery for English learner students. In C. A. Adger & D. Christian (Eds.), What teachers need to know about language. Center for Applied Linguistics and Multilingual Matters.

Moore, S. C. K., Duggan, J. & Massoud, L. (2018). Assets-Based Educational Language Policy: A Bold New Future for Los Angeles English Learners. Los Angeles Unified School District, Division of Multilingual and Multicultural Education. Los Angeles, CA.

Moore, S. C. K., & Wiley, T. G. (2015). Interpretive Policy Analysis for language policy. In F. Hult and D. Cassels Johnson (Eds.), Research methods in language policy and planning: A practical guide. Wiley-Blackwell.

Moore, S. C. K., Fee, M., Ee, J., Wiley, T. G., & Arias, M. B. (2014). Exploring bilingualism, literacy, employability, and income levels among Latinos in the United States. In R. M. Callahan & P. C. Gándara (Eds.), The bilingual advantage: Language, literacy, and the labor market. Multilingual Matters.

Moore, S. C. K. (2012). They’re just confused: SEI policy in practice. In M. B. Arias, & C. J. Faltis (Eds.), Implementing a fractured English language learning policy in Arizona. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Moore, S. C., K., & Sayer, P. (2009). Sheltered English instruction: An overview of the model for younger English learners. MexTESOL Special Issue, 33(1), 87-101.

Wiley, T. G., & Moore, S. C. K. (2008). Language policy in the United States and the implications of presidential candidacy: Obama v. McCain. The Linguist, 47, 5.

TLPL 253, Language Rights and Repression in Education

TLPL 254, Surmoungting School: Democracy, Inequality and Education

TLPL 441, Methods for Teaching Multilingual Learners

TLPL 446, Language Variation in Elementary Settings

TLPL 661, Multiliteracies: Theory and Practice

TLPL 665, TESOL Methods

TLPL 788I, Language Policy and Education