Op/Ed: College Board’s Rotted Roots Reflected in Decision on AP African American Studies

Curriculum changes prompted by conservatives rallying parents against critiques of white supremacy
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In a joint op-ed, Associate Professor Tara Brown and Assistant Professor Rossina Zamora Liu argue that College Board’s revised AP African American Studies course was more about politics than academic integrity, and advocate for a curriculum that highlights the perspectives of Black scholars and everyday knowledge-makers for an enriching learning experience for all. 

Let us be clear, the College Board’s decision to strip down its AP African American Studies curriculum is yet another example of institutional control over what is worth learning, and importantly, whom that learning should benefit. 

Education, in its most optimistic and ideal sense, engenders free thinking and liberation. We know that teaching multiple perspectives could invite narrative-changing dialogues and foster empathy in a world of differing, and often conflicting, viewpoints and lived realities. 

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