Africa Trip

Higher Education in the Ghanaian Context (HEGC!) Symposium

Edward St. John Building Room # 2208 - University of Maryland

The Higher Education in the Ghanaian Context (HEGC!) 2018 class and the HEGC! partners at the University of Cape Coast are hosting a symposium on Friday, March 16, 2018 from 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST in the Edward St. John building, room 2208. All UMD faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. The symposium will also be available virtually and if you are joining via a mobile device, a password is needed: HEGC!

During January 2018, Dr. Candace M. Moore, Faculty Director of the Higher Education in the Ghanaian Context (HEGC!) study abroad program, with Dr. Jillian A. Martin, Co-Instructor for HEGC!, led a group of graduate students/higher education staff to Ghana for eleven days guiding participants worldview to expand beyond Western ideals of social justice education and engaged participants in a critical examination of concepts related to power, privilege, and oppression through their engagement with Ghanaian culture, the country’s approach to higher education, and specially the role of student affairs and assessment practices in the context of Ghanaian higher education. 

The event is co-sponsored by the Commission for the Global Dimensions of Student Development of ACPA College Student Educators International.


*Picture Caption: HEGC! 2018 participants and faculty with Ms. Samia Nkrumah, January 2018, Photography by Alison Anderson