Center for Young Children (CYC)
Current Parents
Parents are the first teachers of their children, and as such, are encouraged to participate in the education of their children. While at the CYC, parents may share talents, work experiences, ideas, skills, and other interests. In addition, an active Parent-Teacher Partnership (PTP) promotes a unique CYC community spirit through fundraising, social, and outreach efforts.
The Family Handbook is available for reference. All parents are required to print the sign-off sheet (the last page of the handbook) and return to the admissions office during the enrollment process.
Student Financial Services and Cashiering generates the tuition bills, and tuition is paid directly to that office.
Parents will be sent bills approximately two weeks prior to the due date, which is the 20th of each month. For example, the bill is received in early October, and payment is due on October 20 for the third tuition payment. Include your account identification number and return to the address on the invoice.
Please contact the Financial Service Center at 301-314-9000 should you fail to receive an invoice or have questions about your invoice. Failure to receive a monthly bill does not negate the responsibility for paying tuition.
Registration Fees
Please pay registration fees here. This is different from the tuition payment page.
- Snack is served every morning and afternoon at no extra charge. Substitutions may be made.
- Milk is provided at lunch for all children free of extra charge.
- Sample Morning Snack menu
Families are required to bring lunch daily. Lunch foods cannot be heated. Foods requiring refrigeration will be stored in the refrigerator.
Other Parent Resources
- One-Time Parent Authorization for Child Pick-Up- Fax or e-mail this completed and signed form
to the CYC to give consent for an alternate person to pick up your children.
- Change of Information Form- Please remit this form with any information that is to be changed
in your child's file (i.e. change of address).
- Medication Order Form (Office of Licensing and Regulation)- Please complete this form for
all prescription and non-prescription medications that need to be administered
to your child during school hours.
Inclement Weather Policy
The Center for Young Children will follow Prince George's County School System closures in the case of inclement weather conditions (such as snow and ice storms and severe electrical storms). We maintain the following procedures in the case of inclement weather:
When P. G. County Schools | CYC will: |
Close | Close |
Open 2 hours late | Open at 9:30 am |
Close 2 hours early | Close at 1:30 pm |
Cancel all afternoon/evening activities | Close at 4:30 pm (no afternoon gathering) |
Close for non-weather purpose | These closures do not affect us |
NOTE: If the UMCP announces an opening time LATER than noted above, the CYC will open 30
minutes after the University. If UMCP closes campus PRIOR to the closing times noted above, the
CYC will close with the University.

Cold Weather Play
During the winter months, children at CYC do still play outside, though for shortened amounts of time as the weather gets colder.
Children must be dressed warmly with head, feet and hands covered. Jackets, boots, mittens and hats and if possible, snowsuits are essential on very cold days. Please layer your child’s clothing for warmth. Outside play gives children a chance for fresh air, a change of environment, and an opportunity to burn off energy by using large muscles.