Housed within the School of Music, the University of Maryland’s Music Education program prepares the next generation of exemplary musician-educators for long and successful careers in choral, instrumental, or general music teaching. We prepare reflective music teachers and comprehensive musicians to guide music learning in the diverse educational communities of Maryland and beyond.
We believe that you learn to teach by teaching. Our music teacher preparation program provides many opportunities to teach K-12 students under the supervision of music education faculty and the mentorship of our network of excellent K-12 partner teachers. Observation and practice teaching fieldwork are embedded throughout all four years of the program; these experiences are excellent preparation for the full-time student teaching internship that serves as the program capstone.
We believe that the best musicians make the best music educators. As our students pursue the Bachelor of Music Education degree, they take a wide range of classes in music performance and music academics. In fact, music education majors have the exact same lessons, large ensemble, and chamber music opportunities as music performance majors. These performing opportunities including playing or singing in our internationally recognized choirs, bands, or orchestras and studying a primary instrument or voice with our world-class private studio faculty. Music education courses in secondary instruments and pedagogy along with music academic courses in music history, music theory, and conducting round out the deep content expertise that our music education majors develop.
Students wishing to gain even more performance experience while at the University of Maryland might consider the Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Music Education Dual Degree in Performance and Education. This option allows you to earn both the B.M. and B.M.E. degrees simultaneously during nine semesters (4.5 years) of full-time study. Dual degree students complete eight semesters of coursework, applied lessons, and ensembles, and dedicate a ninth semester to the full-time student teaching internship.
For admission on undergraduate admission to the University, please visit Prior to beginning the program, prospective music education majors must also apply to and audition for the School of Music in addition to applying to the University.
Once admitted to the University and the School of Music, music education majors must apply to the College of Education’s Teacher Preparation Program in Music to enroll in the 400-level music education courses during junior and senior year. This application is typically during the spring semester of sophomore year. The requirements for admission to the College of Education’s Teacher Preparation Program in Music are:
Academic Requirements
- Completion of 56 credit hours
- Maintain a minimum UMD overall GPA of 2.75 and a minimum music/music education GPA of 2.70.
- Either: Successfully complete the Praxis Core exams or have met Maryland State minimums on the SAT or ACT or have an overall UMD GPA of 3.00 or higher.
- Successfully complete MUSC251 Advanced Music Theory II with a grade of C- or higher
- Be admitted to junior standing in applied music
Gateway Courses
- Instrumental music education: Must complete MUED320 with a grade of B or higher
- Choral/General music education: Must complete MUED333 with a grade of B or higher
Experiential Requirements
- Prior experience in the education field with youth in the age range you intend to teach
- A written goal statement
- Three letters of recommendation that speak to your potential to be an excellent music educator
- Satisfactory self-assessment and faculty rating showing consistent demonstration of the College of Education Foundational Competencies/Model Code of Ethics for Educators
STEP ONE: Apply for undergraduate admission to the University, apply to and audition for the School of Music on your primary instrument.
Once admitted to the University and the School of Music, proceed to Step Two
STEP TWO: During the semester in which you are enrolled in MUSC251, apply to the College of Education’s Teacher Preparation Program in Music.
Please contact the School of Music Admissions office,
Scholarships and financial aid provide critical assistance to many music education majors. Thanks to the generosity of donors and advocates, the School of Music offers numerous awards for our most competitive undergraduate students each year. Visit School of Music scholarship opportunities for more information.
Kenneth Elpus, Ph.D., Associate Professor & Coordinator of Music Education, 2130C Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center,