Family Involvement Laboratory (FIL)
- Dr. Cabrera and our students Tina Chen, Angelica Alonso, and Rachel Ghosh have released a new brief with the Hispanic Research Center looking at Latinx families' strengths and resilience!
- Congratulations to our doctoral student Rachel Ghosh and Dr. Cabrera, who were awarded a 2022-2023 Faculty-Student Research Award from the UMD Graduate School!
- Congratulations to our doctoral student Avery Hennigar, who has been awarded the 2020-21 Dr. James W. Longest Memorial Award!
- Dr. Cabrera's SRCD monograph with Dr. Brenda L. Volling, "Advancing Research and Measurement on Fathering and Child Development," is out March 2019!
- Dr. Cabrera's Family Involvement Lab featured on APA's Monitor on Psychology: "Filling in the Family Portrait" April 2019!
- The Family Involvement Lab presented posters and papers at the 2019 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting in Baltimore, MD!
- Dr. Cabrera's Child Development Perspectives article with Brenda L. Volling and Rachel Barr, "Fathers Are Parents, Too! Widening the Lens on Parenting for Children's Development," listed as one of the top 10 "Most Downloaded" articles in the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) journal family on SRCD E-News: December 2018!
- Dr. Cabrera and doctoral student Avery Hennigar's blog post "Beyond the Breadwinner role: Promoting Positive Father-Child Relationships in Early Childhood" featured on InfoAboutKids on December 4, 2018!
- Dr. Cabrera was featured in The Atlantic's "What Makes a 'Dad Joke'?" on September 25, 2018!
- Dr. Cabrera's article, "Pay and Play: To Enhance Early Childhood Development, Fathers Should Do Both," was featued on the Child and Family Blog on August 28, 2018!
- Dr. Cabrera was featured in a Child Trends Youtube video on Dad Talk and a Q&A interview!
- The Family Involvement Lab presented posters at the Administration for Children and Families 2018 National Research Conference on Early Childhood (ACF NRCEC) June 2018.
- The Family Involvement Lab presented papers and posters at the 16th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH) in Rome, Italy from May 26-May 30, 2018.
- Dr. Cabrera's article, "Mom-and parenting policy-can learn from dad," was featured on the Child and Family Blog on September 10, 2017!
- The Family Involvement Lab presented papers and posters at the 2017 SRCD biennial meeting in Austin.
- Dr. Cabrera was recently appointed to the National Academy of Sciences Research Panel.
- Dr. Cabrera was featured on the Educated Reporter Blog.
- Dr. Cabrera was featured in the Modesto Bee.
- Dr. Cabrera was featured in The Wall Street Journal: "Moms, Let Dad be Dad"
- Dr. Cabrera was interviewed by Education Week: "Ask a Scientist: What Are Low-Income Parents, Fathers Getting Right?"
- The Family Involvement Lab presented papers and posters at the SRCD Meeting in Philadelphia, March 2015.
- Congratulations to Dr. Cabrera on her promotion to full professor!
- The Family Involvement Lab presented papers and posters at the SRCD Special Topic Meeting and AERA, April, 2014
- Read about Dr. Cabrera's role in the new Center for Research on Hispanic Children and Families
- Congratulations to Dr. Cabrera on the publication of her Social Policy Report on the positive development of minority children.
- The Family Involvement Lab presented multiple posters and papers at the SRCD biennial meeting, April 2013 in Seattle!
- The second edition of The Handbook of Father Involvement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives is now available!
- The Family Involvement Lab organized a workshop on the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort sponsored by the UMD Developmental Science Field Committee. The workshop held on June 30, 2012 was a huge success.
- Congratulations to Dr. Cabrera who received an ADVANCE Interdisciplinary and Engaged Research seed grant award.
- Dr. Cabrera was the Co-Chair of the SRCD Themed Meeting: Positive Development of Minority Youth.
- Dr. Cabrera along with colleagues, Drs. Villarruel and Fitzgerald, edited two volumes entitled, "Latina/o Adolescent Psychology and Mental Health" published by ABC-CLIO.
- Dr. Cabrera was cited in Time Magazine, May, 2009!
- Dr. Cabrera won the award for Best Research Article Award from the National Council on Family Relations. The award is for her article, "Explaining the long reach of fathers' prenatal involvement on later paternal engagement," published in the Journal of Marriage and the Family in 2008.