Multilingual Research Center (MRC)
Research Dissemination
An important dimension of the MRC’s mission is to disseminate information about good program design and implementation for English and world language learners in the state, the nation, and the world.
The International Multilingual Research Journal (IMRJ)
The journal is edited by Jeff MacSwan, MRC Co-Director, with Megan Madigan Peercy, MRC Co-Director as an Associate Editor. Its editorial board includes Drew Fagan, Melinda Martin-Beltrán, Kellie Rolstad, and MRC faculty. IMRJ is a prestigious journal with national and international visibility; it is ranked in the first quartile (Q1) in Language and Linguistics, and in the second quartile (Q2) in Education, by SRJ. The journal is supported by MRC faculty and a Graduate Assistant as editorial assistant.