School Counseling Master of Education (M.Ed.)

Students earn an M.Ed. (60 credit hours) in School Counseling.
Academic advisement for graduate students is provided by the graduate faculty in the Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education (CHSE). For advising information, please contact the Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Carol Scott at (301) 405-8384 or cscott18@umd.edu.
Students matriculate on a full-time basis and complete the program in two years.
Students take courses in counseling, school counseling, research methods, and special education. Coursework includes one 100-hour practicum and two 300-hour internships throughout Prince George's County Public Schools.
- EDCP610: Professional Orientation (3)
- EDCP616: Counseling I: Counseling Theories (3)
- EDCP614: Counseling Skills: Introduction to Practicum (3)
- EDCP622: Human Development in the Counseling Context (3)
- EDCP665: Family & Social Support Systems (3)
- EDCP612: Multicultural Issues in Counseling (3)
- EDCP621: Practicum in School Counseling (3)
- EDCP651: Group Counseling in Schools (3)
- EDCP870: Professional Issues Seminar (3)
- EDCP611: Career Development: Theory/Programs (3)
- EDCP635: School Consultation I (3)
- EDCP615: Appraisal (3)
- EDCP652: Research in Counseling (3)
- EDCP879: Internship in School Counseling (9)
- EDSP601: Special Education for School Counselors (3)
- EDCP625: Counseling the Chemically Dependent (3)
- EDCP797: Capstone Course: Program Planning (3)
- EDCP620: Introduction to Mental Disorders (3)