Xinhang Hermione Hu is a Ph.D. student in the Applied Linguistics and Language Education program at the University of Maryland, College Park. She is interested in transnational migration, additional language acquisition, and race. Xinhang earned her bachelor’s degree in Linguistics (minor in Korean) at Boston University and two master’s degrees in Intercultural Communication and Education Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. She speaks Chinese, English, Korean, and Spanish. One aspect of her research focuses on world language teaching and learning. Another area of focus is international students and their experiences with race and language. She is currently working on a critical collaborative autoethnography of naming practices of international students and a case study of the identity of transnational multilingual language teachers.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to collaborate on projects close to my interests!
Dean's Fellowship (2023-2024)
Merit Scholarship. University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education (2020, 2022)
Dean's List, Boston University College of Arts & Sciences (2017-2020)
Refereed Article:
Hu, X. H. & Lue, K. (2025). Centring International Student Voice: A Collaborative Autoethnography and Critical Reflections from an Equity-Focused Doctoral Course. Higher Education.
Hu, X. H. (2024). Finding a Second Jia (Home): Language, culture, identity, and belongingness from an international student’s perspective. Journal of Folklore and Education. 11, 62- 68.
Conference Presentations:
Hu, X.H. & Du, J. (2025, April 23-27). Resisting, Regaining, Reclaiming: Transnationalism, Racialization, and Identities of International Doctoral Students in the U.S. [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, USA.
Savenkova, I, Hu, X.H. & Zou,Y.Z. (2025, April 2-4). Navigating Language, Identity, and Education: Perspectives on Heritage Language Maintenance Among Russian, Korean, and Chinese Immigrant Communities. [Paper presentation]. Towson University Forging Linguistic Identities Conference. Towson, MD, USA.
Hu, X.H. & Sanchez, M. (2025, March 22-25). Exploring teacher identity of transnational foreign language teachers: a case study. [Roundtable presentation]. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Denver, Colorado, USA.
Du, J. & Hu, X.H. (2025, March 22-25). Negotiating with Tensions: Language Socialization and Identities of International Doctoral Students in the U.S. [Round table presentation]. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Denver, Colorado, USA.
Hu, X.H. (2025, February 7-8). Finding a Second Jia (Home): Language, culture, identity, and belongingness from an international student’s perspective. [Paper presentation]. Ethnography in Education Research Forum. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Hu, X.H. & Rolstad, K. (2024, July 3-5). Using technology to support EFL instruction of deaf students: novice teacher reflection. [Paper Presentation]. International Conference on Technology-Enhanced Language Learning and Teaching & Corpus-based Language Learning and Teaching 2024 (TeLLT & CoLLT 2024). Hong Kong, China.
Dong, C. & Hu, X.H. (2024, April 26). A qualitative research study proposal – exploring multimodal play: Children’s drawings as a gateway to cognitive development in chinese early childhood settings. [Roundtable presentation]. Transdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literacy in Educational Research (TALLER). College Park, MD, USA.
Hu, X.H. (2024, April 11-14). An online counter-space of resistance and belonging for Chinese international students: Critical virtual ethnography on social media. [Roundtable presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Hu, X.H. (2024, March 25-29). The leadership journey of two heroes, Harry Potter and Neville longbottom: A comparative analysis of leadership theories in popular culture. [Paper presentation]. The 10th Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID). Tokyo, Japan. Virtual.
Dong, C. & Hu, X.H. (2024, March 8). Vygotsky’s play: unveiling the complexity of early childhood development. [Poster presentation]. College of Education Student Research Symposium. College Park, MD, USA.
Hu, X.H. & Rolstad, K. (2024, March 1-3). Learning and teaching abroad: Critical autobiographical narratives about multinominal, multilingual, and multicultural identity. [Paper presentation]. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT). Washington, DC, USA.
Hu, X.H. & Dong, C. (2024, February 10). Parenting programs in early childhood education for disadvantaged families in rural china and laos: A comparative case study paper. [Paper presentation]. Annual Graduate Student Research Conference of the Washington Consortium for Comparative and International Education. Washington, DC, USA.
Rolstad, K., Obiri-Yeboah, M. & Hu, X.H. (2023, November 10-11). Promoting language variation in schools. [Paper presentation]. Maryland TESOL (MD TESOL), Virtual.
Travel fundings/grants:
Multilingual Research Center (MRC) Travel Fund (Maryland TESOL; October 2023)
Instructional Assistant
TLPL 300/618 Teaching and Understanding English Grammar 2025 Spring
with Multilingual Learners
TLPL 300/618 Digital Learning Tools & Communities 2025 Spring
TLPL 443: Understanding Cross-Cultural Communication for 2024 Fall
Teaching English Language Learners
TLPL 666: English Grammar for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other 2024 Fall
TLPL288K: Special Problems in Education; Reinventing Childhood: 2024 Spring
Unschooling in the Digital Age
TLPL 446: Language Variation and Multilingualism in Elementary Classrooms 2023 Fall