Despite the growing number of English Learners (EL) in U.S. schools, there is a persistent shortage of teachers specialized in bilingual and English as a second language education. Writing in The Century Foundation, Visiting Assistant Clinical Professor Maggie Marcus highlights the indispensable role veteran EL educators play in supporting English Learners. She notes their connection to students and communities, while emphasizing the need to include them in conversations aimed at improving outcomes for EL students.
It is critical to learn more about the work experiences—positive and less positive—of veteran teachers of ELs. Given steady growth in the share of U.S. students who are classified as ELs, these teachers are more valuable than ever. Veteran teachers have both the long-term experience of serving ELs and the potential to engage and train new teachers. Many of them are members of the communities where they work and have an important perspective on engaging with their students and communities.
Read the rest in The Century Foundation.