Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) Program
The Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) Program is provided by the College of Education. Selected students work with a faculty mentor and provide TA services while they learn about teaching. Students earn credits through EDUC 388T - Special Topics in Education: Guided Experiences in College Teaching (3 credits) and EDUC 498 - Special Problems in Education (1 credit). The UTA splits time between working with the faculty member as a TA (about 8-10 hours per week) and the seminar meetings for EDUC 388T, with the grade for EDUC 498 provided by the supervising faculty mentor at the end of the enrolled semester. The EDUC 388T class meets two hours each week, and the first session serves to orient the UTAs in their new role at the beginning of the semester. (Details will be individually communicated to students who are selected for the program).
Official guidelines about UTAs and working with UTAs have been developed by the Office of Undergraduate Studies and can be found here.
Being selected as a UTA is both an opportunity for significant personal growth and an honor. To qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
- Have junior standing by the beginning of the semester
- Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0
- Have earned a grade of A in the course in which assisting
Beyond these requirements, the only thing necessary is a mutual agreement of the faculty mentor/instructor and the prospective UTA. We hope you will help identify students and faculty who may want to participate in this program.
The faculty mentor is asked to submit the following: student name and UID; course for which the student will perform UTA duties; letter of support verifying that the faculty mentor has reviewed the student's transcript, has confirmed the criteria above, and is willing to support the student as a UTA for the enrolled semester. Space is limited; early applications are encouraged. If you have any questions please contact the Office of Student Services, 1204 Benjamin (301-405-2364; (jcdemoss@umd.edu).
Click Here to apply.