Maryland Assessment Research Center (MARC)

2016 MARC Conference


The Sixteenth Annual Maryland Assessment Conference:

Data Analytics and Psychometrics: Informing Assessment Practices

  • Jointly supported by the Maryland State Department of Education and the Maryland Assessment Research Center. 
  • Each topic will be given a one-hour block of time, including a 50-minute presentation by each speaker followed by 10 minutes of Q and A.

Presentation Schedule

Thursday, November 3rd, 2016

7:00-8:30Registration and Breakfast

Welcome and Comments

Hong Jiao (University of Maryland)

Simulation-based Assessment: An Intersection between Psychometrics and Data Analytics
Presentation Slides

Robert J. Mislevy (Educational Testing Service)


Integrating Knowledge Engineering with Data Mining in Measuring Engagement
Presentation Slides

Ryan S. Baker (University of Pennsylvania)


Exploring Process Data in Computer-based International Large-scale Assessments
Presentation Slides

Qiwei He and Matthias von Davier (Educational Testing Service)


The Use of Data Mining Techniques to Detect Cheating
Presentation Slides

Sarah L. Thomas (Caveon Test Security)


Selected Applications of Data Science in the Realm of Cyber Security
Presentation Slides

Richard Xie (ThreadTrack Security Inc.)


Assessing Learner-driven Constructs in Informal Learning Environments: Synergies Created by the Nexus of Psychometrics, Learning Analytics, and Educational Data Mining
Presentation Slides

Lori C. Bland (George Mason University)


Big (Performance Assessment) Data: What WGU Has Learned from 13 Million Evaluations
Presentation Slides

Brian Kuhlman (Western Governors Univeristy)

Friday, November 4th, 2016

7:00-8:30Registration and Breakfast

Data Science and Design Thinking for Education: Embracing the Art & Science of Student Success
Presentation Slides
White Paper

Mark Milliron and David Kil (Civitas Learning, Inc.)


Co-ranking Multiple Entities in Online Enterprise Social Network
Presentation Slides

Alex Wang and Umeshwar Dayal (Hitachi America, Ltd.)


Case Study: Evaluation of Learning Programs in a Large Federal Agency
Presentation Slides

Matt Pietrowski, Roopa Sanwardeker and David Witkowski (Deloitte Consulting, LLP )


High Level Strategic Approaches for Conducting Big Data Studies in Assessment Studies
Presentation Slides

Manny Straehle, Liberty Munson, Austin Fossey and Emily Kim (Assessment, Education, and Research Experts)


Closing Comments 

Robert Lissitz (University of Maryland)


Integrating Learning Analytics and Survey Data in Assessing Heterogeneity of MOOC Learners

(Note: This paper is not to be presented at the conference but will be included in a book based on the conference)

Zhenya Samoilova and Frauke Kreuter (University of Maryland)