Maryland PDS 2025 Project
Teacher Career Ladder
Maryland PDS 2025 Project Teacher Career Ladder (TCL)
The Maryland PDS 2025 Project will explore the Teacher Career Ladder roles and opportunities that are proposed in recent Maryland legislation (Blueprint for Maryland’s Future). Beginning in January 2021, the Teacher Career Ladder Workgroup will design and prepare implementation recommendations for a professional development trajectory system that supports teachers in different phases of the career. The workgroup will design and pilot new professional roles for practicing teachers in MCPS and PGCPS that recognize excellence and support ongoing professional learning. The workgroup will also design and analyze data from a pilot cohort of teachers in the various career ladder roles in participating schools.
University of Maryland Teacher Career Ladder Framework
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future envisions a paradigm shift in every school in the state to ensure every student receives a world-class education. The teacher career ladder will be one of the innovative approaches districts will leverage to increase the professional development and growth opportunities offered to teachers.
One of the exciting and challenging parts of the Blueprint is the impact it could have on the quality of education offered to every public school student in the state of Maryland. Simultaneously, there are still questions about how the Blueprint will be implemented in districts across the state. Therefore we see the UMD Teacher Career Ladder Framework as an iterative product that will develop and change as additional state-level regulations and best practices are identified and applied. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Contact the team Segun Eubanks Ed.D. and Pamela Callahan Ph.D.
Click here to access the printable version of the UMD Teacher Career Ladder Framework.
Proposed Teacher Career Ladder in Kirwan Commission Interim Report

Work Group Members
Jennifer Rice | UMD | Provost |
Segun Eubanks | UMD | Director, Center for Educational Innovation and Improvement |
Lawrence Clark | UMD | Assistant Dean, Office of Undergraduate Studies |
Cherise Hunter | UMD | Project Manager, Maryland PDS 2025 Project |
Theresa Nebel Robinson | UMD | Director, Creative Initiatives in Teacher Education |
Andrew Brantlinger | UMD | Associate Professor, Mathematics Education |
Daniel Chazan | UMD | Jean, Jeffrey, and David Mullan Professor of Teacher Education |
Pamela Catherine Callahan | UMD | Postdoctoral Fellow |
Joel Miller | UMD | Graduate Assistant |
Lijuan Shi | UMD | Graduate Assistant |
Donna Christy | PGCEA | President, Prince George's County Educators' Association |
D. Ray | PGCEA | Assistant Executive Director, Prince George's County Educators' Association |
Dr. Kristi Murphy Baldwin | PGCPS | Chief Human Resources Officer |
Pearl Harmon | PGCPS | Director, Human Resources Operations & Staffing |
Karen Gregory | PGCPS | Director, Office of Employee Performance |
Kristi Holden | PGCPS | Director, Professional Learning Office |
Damaries Blondonville | PGCPS | Senior Project Manager |
Allison McLeod | PGCPS | Coordinating Manager |
Jennifer Martin | MCEA | President,Montgomery County Education Association |
Heather Carroll-Fisher | MCEA | Executive Director, Montgomery County Education Association |
Amy Biancher | MCEA | Organizational Specialist, Montgomery County Education Association |
Nikki Woodward | MCEA | Vice President, Montgomery County Education Association |
Yolanda Stanislaus | MCPS | Director, Department of Professional Growth Systems |
Sydney Pinkard | MCPS | Instructional Specialist |
Rotunda Floyd-Cooper | MCPS | Director, Learning, Achievement, and Administration |
Khanny Yang | MCPS | Director, Leadership Development Program |
- Professional Learning Courses (PLCs design will begin in Fall 2021 and facilitation will begin in Spring 2022)
- Instructional Improvement Projects (IIPs design will begin in Fall 2021 and facilitation will begin in Spring 2022)