Student Services
Newly Admitted Student Information

Congratulations on your admission to College of Education graduate program! This page is intended to serve as a resource to all newly admitted College of Education graduate students as they begin their gradaute careers at the University of Maryland, College Park that will hopefully ease your transition into graduate study.
Newly Admitted Students l International Students l Advisor Information l Program Requirements l uAchieve Audits l Campus Resources l FAQ's
We recommend reviewing the Graduate School's Newly Admitted Student Checklist for your next steps if you receive an offer of admission.
Important Notes:
- All newly admitted graduate students must inform the Univiersity of their intention to accept or decline their admission offer. To do so, you must log into your graduate application, view your admission letter from the Graduate School, and follow the appropriate steps. You must accept your offer of admission if you intend to enroll at the Unviersity, otherwise your admission offer will be cancelled.
- Students must submit official transcripts to the Office of the Registrar, if not originally submitted during the application process.
- Registration tips and policies are available from the Office of the Registrar. Graduate School requires that all graduate students maintain continuous registration.
It is recommended for all newly enrolled international students to consult with the International Student and Scholar Services Office. All international students are required to attend in international student orientation through the ISSS, and international students with F-1 or J-1 visas must be enrolled full-time every semester at the University while they remain in the United States. For more information, please consult the ISSS Office.
Graduate students are assigned an advisor at the time of admission. Advisors are faculty members within the student’s program. Be sure to keep in contact with your advisor. Your advisor will inform you of the academic program and departmental requirements. For questions on this, we recommend reaching out to the Coordinator of Graduate Studies for your department who could assist you in connecting with your advisor.
Program Requirements
Each graduate program should offer Program handbooks for the requirements of the program to which you are admitted. Contact your Department Coordinator of Graduate Studies (CGS) for more information.
Although your advisor may inform you of requirements and guide you in the administrative processes toward graduation, it is your responsibility to be informed of Graduate School and University policies and to submit any required forms by published deadlines.
The uAchieve audit system is an auditing tool that students and advisors use to evaluate academic progress toward degree completion. The u-achieve audit should include all coursework (previous, current and future) that is required in the program. Please contact your Department Coordinator of Graduate Studies (CGS) for any questions regarding your uAcheive audit.
You have several resources available to you as a graduate student at the University of Maryland, College Park involving research, campus services and campus engagement. We recommend taking advantage of any applicable or necessary campus resources available to you.