EdTerps Learning Academy (ETLA)
EdTerps Learning Academy Programs
The EdTerps Learning Academy provides learning opportunities for working professionals in the field of Education. Programs offered within the EdTerps Learning Academy culminate in graduate degrees from the University of Maryland College of Education, including Ed.D., M.Ed., and Graduate Certificates, as well as eligibility for certain Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) certifications, including MSDE Initial Teacher Certification in Elementary Grades 1-6, MSDE Superintendent II Certification, and MSDE Admin I Certification. The EdTerps Learning Academy also supports educator career advancement through professional development learning opportunities.
Housed in the University of Maryland’s College of Education, the EdTerps Learning Academy offers programs designed to provide flexibility and career advancement opportunities for working professionals, accommodating personal and professional responsibilities. Programs feature in-person instruction, 100% online learning, or a mixture of both. In-person classes may be held at The Universities at Shady Grove, specific county-school locations, or other approved sites.
The EdTerps Learning Academy offers innovative and dynamic programs in the following portfolios:
M.Ed in Elementary Education: Creative Initiatives in Teacher Education (CITE)
This is a graduate program with successful completion resulting in both a Master's in Education (M.Ed.) degree in Curriculum and Instruction and a Maryland teaching certificate for grades 1-6. CITE is two consecutive years consisting of four semesters and one summer. During the academic years, interns serve as para-educators in a Maryland elementary school and also attend online and in-person classes in the late afternoon and early evening.
For more info, please contact:
Theresa Nebel Robinson at tnebrob1@umd.edu
M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction - Math Education: Special Studies In Middle School Math
A 30-credit program intended for teachers already certified in elementary education, special education, or in ESOL who are or plan to teach math in the middle grades (4-9th). This research-based program involves coursework in mathematics content, mathematics education, curriculum-based integrated content, and pedagogy courses, as well as an action research course.
For more info, please contact:
Beatriz Quintos at bquintos@umd.edu
M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction -Teacher Leadership: Special Studies In STEM Education
This is a rigorous, content-focused program that allows in-service teacher to engage with the skills, practices, and core ideas of engineering, physics, biology, and mathematics. This 30-credit degree program is open to elementary and middle school teachers who have already earned their teaching certification. In addition to the master's degree, candidates who successfully complete our program will qualify for an add-on endorsement from MSDE to their current certifications.
For more info, please contact:
Amy Green at amygreen@umd.edu
M.Ed.- Specialization in teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
The TESOL Program has a 30-credit, 10-course curriculum this is designed for professionals who wish to develop expertise in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). The program prepares students to engage with research, theory, and pedagogical practice in the field of TESOL and is valuable for certified K-12 teachers in the U.S. who wish to add on TESOL certification for the State of Maryland; professionals wishing to teach English learners in U.S. adult, community college, or university settings; or those wishing to teach at all levels in international contexts.. This degree does not lead to initial K-12 certification to teach in public schools in the US.
For more info, please contact:
Sarah Moore at sckmoore@umd.edu
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
TESOL Program within the Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL) has started a new 12-credit, program that introduces theory and pedagogical practices addressing the
language and educational content needs of English language learners in varied schooling contexts within the United States and abroad. This program serves in-service, non-ESOL teachers in elementary, middle, secondary, and higher education who are not familiar with meeting the needs of English language learners within their disciplines, as well as pre-service teachers entering the field and wanting to learn more about working with this particular student population.
For more info, please contact:
Sarah Moore at sckmoore@umd.edu
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Dual Language Education
The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Dual Language Education (DLE) has a 12-credit, 4-course curriculum that prepares educators to teach and lead in dual language PK-12 schools, which include bilingual and immersion language programs. The program is offered as a blend of in-person and online learning (major code Z149) and addresses the specialized characteristics and pedagogies associated with DLE programs, especially in the areas of research and scholarship regarding language acquisition and multilingualism. The DLE programs ensure educational equity for language minoritized learners, improves home-school connections, and fosters native language maintenance, multilingualism, and biliteracy.
For more info, please contact:
Dr. Alejandro Pérez Belda: anperez@umd.edu.
M.Ed. In Special Education/ Severe Disabilities With A Focus On Autism Spectrum Disorders For Teachers, Professionals, And Professional Staff
This 2.5 - 3 year, 30-credit hour outreach program is designed for those already certified in Special Education and wish to obtain a master's degree that specializes in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Related Developmental Delays and Disabilities. This M.Ed. Specialty Program is taken part-time with early evening courses taken over 3 years to accommodate working professionals. The course sequence contains some Face-2-Face courses, a few in a blended format, and few delivered all online.
Agnesanne J. Danehey: adanehey@umd.edu
M.Ed. In Special Education- Focus Early Childhood Birth - Age 5
This M.Ed. in Special Education Specialty Program (30 credits) is taken part-time with early evening courses over 2.5 years to accommodate full-time professionals and those with families. The course sequence contains Face-to-Face, blended, and online courses. Graduate work will address the developmental and learning needs of our youngest ages birth - age 5 including those with physical, sensory (e.g., deaf-blindness, cortical visual impairment, etc.), and multiple disabilities. The program focuses on providing the graduate student the knowledge, skills and abilities that support efforts to "achieve equitable developmental and academic achievement for all"*.
For more info, please contact:
Agnesanne J. Danehey: adanehey@umd.edu
Graduate Certificate in Special Education for General Education Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms
This Graduate Certificate is an online, 15-credit, 5-course graduate program that equips general educators with knowledge and skills to meet the needs of students with disabilities in inclusive classroom settings—to better serve ALL students in their schools. The program provides a statewide, cohort-based professional learning experience in meeting the requirements for state certification and provides support for general education teachers who wish to pursue and obtain Maryland State Department of Education Special Education teaching licensure to better serve students with disabilities, advancing their careers towards special education and/or teacher leadership.
For more info, please contact:
Dr. Tori Page-Voth: tpv@umd.edu
Post Master's Certificate in Supporting Immigrant Students for Professional School Counselors
The Post Master’s Certificate in Supporting Immigrant Students for Professional School Counselors (Z171) is a 12 credit, 4-course graduate program that equips Professional School Counselors with specialized skills to work with students of families who have recently immigrated to the United States and specifically Prince George’s County. The program provides purpose and structure to directly respond to the complex needs of immigrants and refugees resettling in the County.
For more info, please contact:
Dr. Jessica Diaz McKechnie, jmdiaz@umd.edu
Ed.D. in Education for System Level Administrators
The Doctorate of Education is a 3-year cohort-based 36-month 60-credit degree professional practice Ed.D. designed for system-level administrators in areas such as curriculum, assessment and accountability, human resources, fiscal management, and operations. The curriculum and practices are based on the model developed through the Carnegie Foundation’s Project on the Education Doctorate. The focus on system-level administrators is intentional and grounded in research demonstrating the critical role that such administrators play in supporting principals and schools in improving student outcomes. The program is tailored to the needs of specific districts and cohorts are recruited from systems with common needs or demographics.
For more info, please contact:
Douglas Anthony at danthony@umd.edu
Ed.D. in School System Leadership: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
A 60-credit, cohort-based graduate program may be completed in four years of continuous enrollment. Brings together the fields of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and School System Leadership to help school and district leaders and administrators better meet the needs of the multilingual learners and their teachers. This “Practice Based” doctoral program develops leaders who can create and lead collaborative and inclusive system improvement initiatives. The program features a mix of traditional seminar-style, in-person instruction and online learning. In-person classes are held at school-district level facilities. Enrollment is only available through a school-system partnership.
For more information or if your school system is interested in developing a partnership, please contact:
Dr. Drew Fagan at dfagan@umd.edu.