Note: This program is not currently accepting applications.
The Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Special Education, Specialty: Early Childhood Birth to Age 5, Shady Grove (MSPEC) is a 30-credit, 10-course curriculum that addresses the developmental and learning needs of our youngest ages birth-5. Graduate work addresses the developmental and learning needs of our youngest ages birth-5 including those with physical, sensory (e.g., deaf-blindness, cortical visual impairment, etc.), and multiple disabilities. The program focuses on providing the graduate student the knowledge, skills and abilities that support efforts to achieve equitable developmental and academic achievement for all.
The program is designed for professionals who already hold an early childhood special education teacher license/certification, professionals interested in expanding their knowledge, skills, and abilities with those with special needs from Birth-Age 5, and for professionals interested in working in an early childhood special education context outside of the classroom.