Lab Members

Annie Yixun Li
Annie graduated from the lab in 2021. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Early Childhood Education in the Education University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include cross-language comparisons in reading development and more specifically the specific mechanisms underlying orthographic learning in first and second languages.

Daniel Sherlock
Daniel has worked in the lab on projects related to self-teaching in English language learners. Daniel is currently a doctoral student in the University of Vanderbilt in Special Education.

Anisha Singh
Anisha has worked in the lab on a project related to cross-language phonological activation in Hindi-English bilingual speakers who are proficient in two different scripts (Devanagari and Romanagari) for their native language Hindi. She is currently working on her dissertation research.

Nan Zhang
Nan is a doctoral student in the lab. She is interested in bilingual word processing by adult learners and the underlying phonological processes in word reading and spelling among bilingual adult readers.

Jinglei Ren
Jinglei is a doctoal student in the lab and she is interested in studying how children develop statistical learning ability and how such ability contributes to their reading development.