Language and Literacy Research Center (LLRC)
Research-Practice Partnership Projects
Project ProPELL is a doctoral training grant designed to address an urgent need to recruit and train graduate students who will be leaders and experts in learning disabilities, language and literacy. Project ProPELL prepares doctoral candidates for special education faculty positions who will train the next generation of teachers to serve students with learning disabilities by having the opportunity to engage in rigorous academic coursework, participate in ongoing language and literacy related research, receive mentorship, and refine their leadership skills in a variety of outlets.
In addition to focused training on language and literacy, ProPELL students will participate in professional development activities, a research apprenticeship, and a one year research-to-practice seminar. The program also emphasizes leadership development through outreach, professional presentations to policy-makers and teachers, and internships focused on providing technical assistance to districts and schools implementing evidence-based practices in special education. Visit our Graduate Students webpage to learn more about our students and their research.