Center for Science and Technology in Education (CSTE)
Affiliated Faculty

Senior Research Associate, MADE-CLEAR Program
Dr. Breslyn is an educational researcher, educator, and YouTube content creator (primarily chemistry education). His research interests include the use of video in science education, inquiry-based teaching and learning, and climate change education. He received his Ph.D. form the University of Maryland, College Park. Dr. Breslyn taught secondary science in the U.S. and abroad for over fifteen years and is a National Board Certified Teacher in Secondary Science Education.
Phyllis Katz
Research Associate
Continual Science Learning (primarily out-of school teaching and learning); learning within families; drawing and photographic visual methodologies.

Research Associate Professor and Director of the CMNS Teaching and Learning Center
Research: Science education in higher education and science teacher education.

Principal Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, Director of Maryland Center for Women in Computing, and Associate Director of ACES: Honor's Program in Cybersecurity

Professor, Department of Physics

Assistant Clinical Faculty, Middle School PDS Coordinator
Research: STEM Teacher Preparation; Access, Equity, and Inclusion in STEM Education; Interdisciplinary STEM Curricula; Indigenous Representation and Collaborations

Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics and Director of the Maryland Learning Assistant Program