Educational Technology Services (ETS)
Equipment Loan
Educational Technology Services (ETS) supports circulating technology equipment at no charge to College of Education faculty, which may be used for instruction or special events that can be checked out and utilized on campus. Members of the COE (faculty, staff, and graduate students with approval, only) must reserve equipment with advanced notice. Equipment reservations are subject to availability and are booked on a first-come, first-served basis.
Confirmed equipment may be picked up by the faculty member or designee by appointment and returned to Benjamin room 0234 during Technology Desk hours.
Getting equipment is a two step procedure.
To ensure that the Technology Desk has the flexibility to provide this service, we ask that you use the following guidelines when placing a reservation request:
- Please allow at least 1 week in advance before making the request. This gives us ample time to verify its availability and resolve any conflict issues that may arise.
- Please pick up and return the equipment as close to your appointment time as possible. If we have another request for the same equipment within this time, ETS may cancel the original request.
- If you know that you will not need to use the equipment, please contact us immediately so that we may cancel your request. This will allow us to make the equipment available to other patrons.
- It is critical that you return the equipment to us by the promised date and time. If you cannot do so, please make every reasonable effort to contact the Technology Desk as soon as possible. If the held items are available, the loan period may be extended. Failure to return equipment on time when needed by another patron is detrimental to both the operation of ETS and the college at large.

ETS has a wide array of equipment available from our technology desk. While it is sometimes possible to check-out equipment without first making a reservation, booking ahead ensures that the ETS staff and the desired equipment will both be available. It is recommended that you allow enough time on your reservation (usually 15 min.), both before and after class, for travel time, check-out and check-in, and basic training, if needed. There are several ways you may go about making reservations.
The most direct method is to call our technology desk (301-405-3611) during its open hours. If staff are busy, you can always leave a message. You may also use our on-line reservation form, and a staff member will get back to you to confirm availability.
Checking out equipment is the second step of the equipment loan process that ETS provides. The first step is reserving the equipment.
You must bring your UMD photo ID with you when you come to pick up equipment. While many of our staff at the technology desk know many of our patrons, we often have new staff that are told they must check ID's, no matter WHO the patron is. Please help us by remembering to bring an ID along.
If you decide to ask a student or GA to pick up the equipment for you, it helps us if you provide their name when making the reservation, or call the technology desk (301-405-3611) the day of check-out, to inform us of the change. In this way, the student can show his/her ID, and not have any problems checking out the equipment.
Please be aware that there will be a small check-out slip that the person picking up will have to fill out at the time of check-out. This is separate from the reservation form, and indicates that the reserved item was actually picked up.
Upon return, simply tell the student at the desk the name the item was under, and they will check you back in on the check-out slip.