Educational Technology Services (ETS)
Tech Support (IT Desktop Support)
The College of Education uses in-house resources to provide both faculty and staff with on-site desktop support for university owned computers. You can access desktop support through your Departmental Technical Contact (DTC), as listed on a page tab. Most departments have more than one contact, and are listed with a primary and secondary DTC. This is free to the departments. Please contact your DTC for details on how to access this service (procedures may vary between departments).

Remember that DIT still provides free phone-based and web-based assistance to University employees through their help desk (http://www.helpdesk.umd.edu, or x51500). This is totally separate from our DTC services, and should not be used to request on-site service.
If you have any questions about this service, please feel free to contact the Desk Manager.
Educational Technology Services provides direct, in-house, desktop support for on-site College of Education faculty and staff.
In order to make the process of acquiring these services as simple as possible, each department has identified a contact, or contacts (Department Tech Contacts or DTCs), who will submit online tickets for service. Please contact them about department-specific procedures for requesting this service. Those contacts are listed below:
ETS currently uses a proprietary system for submitting, tracking, and recording trouble tickets, called COE Ticket Tracker.
DTCs may access the system via the following link: