Student Resources
College of Education Forms
Advisor Change Form | Dean's Representative Role Form | Doctoral Approved Program Form | Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Form | CoE Exit Survey | EDMS Course Equivalency | Comprehensive Examination Application | Foundational Competencies Policy/MCEE | Graduate Studies Registration/Adjustment Petition | Oral Announcement | Provisional Removal | Seminar Paper Title Format | Withdrawal Procedures | Retroactive Withdrawal Procedures
The Graduate School Forms
Fellowship and Financial Forms | Petitions, Requests, and Waivers | Thesis and Dissertation Forms | Graduation Forms | General Forms | Faculty and Staff Forms
Handbooks and Guidelines
EDHD_Masters_Handbook_2020-21_Final.pdf EDHD Doctoral Handbook-2023-06-Final.docx.pdfQMMS Graduate Student Handbook 2023
Templates and Formatting Guidelines for Thesis and Dissertation
Dissertations are to be submitted to the Graduate School in electronic format after final approval of the dissertation by the Dissertation Examining Committee. The University of Maryland Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) website or the University of Maryland Thesis and Dissertation Style Guide include details of this process.
Dissertations submitted to the University through the ETD process will also be deposited in the UM Library's online electronic archive, DRUM (Digital Repository at the University of Maryland). This is a free public archive of academic work by University faculty and graduate students.
Study Fellowships and Awards
A variety of fellowships and awards are available to prospective and current graduate students. Opportunities to apply for these awards are announced through the University, the College of Education, and the Department.