The CEii team has published on various aspects of school leadership and improvement in a variety of scholarly outlets. See below for examples of our recent work.
Dhingra, N., & Callahan, P. (2025). The Fastest Known Way to Get Rid of Enemies: Children’s Literature, Forgiveness, and the Liberal Arts. COSMOS + TAXIS, 112–129.
Leonard, J., Blondonville‐Ford, D., Grubb, D., Cheng, D., & Wang, X. (2025). Self‐efficacy, agency, and values as predictors of STEM teacher leader identity in urban‐like learning environments. School Science and Mathematics. DOI: 10.1111/ssm.18347Sch
Eubanks S., Neumerski C.M., Callahan P.C., Anthony D., Snell J., Blondonville D., Viviani W., and Liccione L. (2024), Fostering Improvement: a reflection on equity-centered improvement across three initiatives. Front. Educ. 9:1434362. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2024.1434362
Neumerski, C.M. and Yurkofsky, M.M. (2024), "Dilemmas in district–university partnerships: examining network improvement communities as levers for systems change", Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Callahan, P. C., & Miller, J. D. (2024). Avenues for Engagement? Testing the Democratic Nature of Library Book Challenge Processes. Teachers College Record, 126(4-5), 31-56.
Eubanks, S., Goldson, M., & Callahan, P. (2024). Replace or repair: Exploring possible methods for improving school governance. Theory Into Practice, 1–12.
Eubanks, S., Snell, J. (2023). "From a Transactional Relationship to a Transformational Partnership." In L. Gomez, M. Biag, D. Imig, R. Hitz, & S. Tozer (Eds.) Improving America's Schools Together, 126-148.
Callahan, P. C., & Brantlinger, A. (2023). Altruism, Jobs, and Alternative Certification: Mathematics Teachers’ Reasons for Entry and Their Retention. Education and Urban Society, 55(9), 1089-1119.
Spillane, J. P., Blaushild, N. L., Neumerski, C. M., Seelig, J. L., & Peurach, D. J. (2022). Striving for coherence, struggling with incoherence: A comparative study of six educational systems organizing for instruction. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 44(4), 567-592.
Eubanks, S., McLaughlin, M., Snell, J. L., & Coleman, C. (2021). From learning to leading: Teaching leaders to apply improvement science through a school-university partnership. Teaching improvement science in educational leadership, 141-162.
Patrick, S. K., Rogers, L. K., Goldring, E., Neumerski, C. M., & Robinson, V. (2021). Opening the black box of leadership coaching: an examination of coaching behaviors. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(5), 549-563.