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Joint modeling of item product data and process data using psychometric and machine learning methods, item response theory modeling, computer-based testing, psychometric research and analysis for large-scale high-stakes tests.
Teacher preparation for working with multilingual learners across contexts
Literacy instruction for multilingual learners
Technology in education
Research interests include K -12 literacy instruction, including critical literacy and how to support the learning of all students, how identity shapes literacy practices and learning for teachers and students, the role of discourse in literacy development, and teacher education & inquiry.
Autism, family engagement, naturalistic community-based practices for language/social/communication development, cultural diversity/adaptation
Game-based learning, personalized and collaborative learning, human-AI collaboration, mixed reality, and neurodiversity
scientific inquiry;, science learning and assessment;, computational thinking;, equity;, virtual environments;, professional development
"Social cognitive development, morality, intergroup relationships, origins of prejudice, social exclusion, morality and theory of mind, implicit and explicit biases, and broadening participation in STEM by promoting inclusive classroom contexts"
Dr. Jeongeun Kim’s scholarship focuses on how institutions of higher education use their autonomy to organize strategies for revenue generation and resource allocation to remain competitive. Her research examines how policies related to the financing of postsecondary education affect access, affordability, and quality. Her work also addresses how changes in the organizational policies and practices of colleges and universities would impact stakeholders, including the students and faculty at those institutions.  
Elementary mathematics teacher preparation
Mathematics methods course curriculum
Mediated field experiences